jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017


Hi , my name is Dario Porta Sanchez and now I'm going to talk about rugby and its varietes.

Rugby is a sport originary from Englamd wich is many centuries old born in the city of Rugby in England.

I'ts a sport with a grate variety of rules. Awong , the most outstanding ones are passing the ball back and only using the foot to advance fordwards the front.

There are a severals types of Rugby , awong them Rugby 15 , Rugby 13 carachered for not having rucks , Rugby touch and Rugby 7.

                                    Dario Porta Sanchez 4B


Instagram is an application with ready more than 1,000,000 downloads. 
This application is based on creating a profile and following your friends or famous people etc. 
Just as you can follow people they can follow you too. 
"Public or private profile? "
You can have a Public profile; with means that anyone can follow you or you poss. 
Or your can have it private; in this case you decide who you won't to follow you and who you don't want to follow you. 
In this application you can upload photos you can tog in your friends, etc. 
Throught Instagram conversentions can also be established using the "Direct".
"What is direct?"
People can see what you are doing on the moment and can keep a talk. 
You can take photos and it's something useful to improve conversetions. 
With the new updates Instagram a lot has improved and thanks to that it has become even more popular. 
This along with other improvements has made comunications much easier. 
I also know applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat. 
I use Instagram and he others applications every day. 
•Comunications.   •Personal. 
•Application.         •Profile. 
•Public.                   •Internet. 
•Photos.                  •Friends. 
•Followers.            •Popular/famous. 

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017



What is volleyball?
Volleyball is a sport that consists of two teams that try to pass a ball over a net located in the middle of the field. The idea si to beat the opposing team by passing the ball in such a way that it can't be challenged.

Volleyball rules
In this sport, you play the best of five sets. And the winner of each set is the team that manages to reach first 25 points, but the last set is played on 15 points.
Regarding touching the ball, this can't be touched more than tree times per team before sending it to the other team. Each time when  you try to pass the ball to the other team it is then when a player tries to score a point, which is achiered by means of the ball touching the field or involuntarily by one of the opposing players.
At any moment during the match, the players can't touch the net. Doing it, will be a point for the opposing team.
And finally there is a rotation of players inside th field, which is done at the beginning of the serve.

Origin of volleyball
On febrary 9, 1895, William G. Morgan a YMCA(Young Men's Christian Assiciation) physical education director, created a new game called Mintonette as a pastime for older members of YMCA.
The gme took some of its characteristics from tennis and handball.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

The Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead

What is The Day of the Dead?

  The Day of the Dead is a traditional festivity of Mexico celebrated from the 31st of October to the 2nd of November,
Besides Mexico, it is celebrated in countries of Central America and in some communities of the United States.

In these days people visit the cementeries and place candles in the tombs of their relatives. 

  It is also common to see people disguised in skull masks, with their faces painted or wearing typical costumes of the celebration.


  Since the pre-Hispanic time in Mexico, the natives have worshipped death.
After the conquest, the union of the indigenous beliefs with the Spanish Catholicism forged a unique, colorful religious character and that preserved in a certain way the ancestral memories of the old pre-Columbian traditions, giving rise to this festivity.



  It is believed that the souls of deceased relatives return in these days; day 1st the souls of adults and day 2nd the souls of children. For this they are received with an offering where they place their favorite food and drink, fruit, candies, even toys for kids.

Perception of death

  In Mexico death is perceived in a very pecular way, for Mexicans use satire to mock it. An example of this is the popular Catrina; a skull dressed in different colorful outfits as a sign of the presence of death in everyday life.




Why did i choose this topic?

  I chose this theme because i was struck by the way of perceiving the death of this festival, in addition to the colors that characterize it, wich I liked very much.




The scout movement is a movement that wants to educate
children and  young people with outdoor games.
Resultado de imagen de scout
It emerged as a way to fight against delinquency
in the 20th century in England,seeking the physical,
spiritual and mental development of young people
to become "good citizens".
This idea came to Robert Baden Powell,who began
practicing his idea by making camps with young people.

Later on,scouting was improved by Vera Barclay and
Ronald Phillips among others.

The Scout movement is interested in nice activities
for educational purposes,outdoor activities and community
servise with the aim of teaching humans values.

I am in a scout group since i was seven years old.
I have been taught many things and they have always
helped me.They are like a second family.



  •  ORIGINS OF THE PAELLA:The paella is a typical dish of Valencia.The paella originated between the 15th and 16th centuries. It is due to the need of the peasants and shepherds for a food easy to transport and cook with the ingredients that thy had at hand.The exact origin of the paella is alomost centainly located in the rice area near the lake of the Albufera.
  •  INGREDIENTS:In its origins,the ingredients were poultry,rabbit,fresh vegetables,rice,saffron and olive oil,mixed with water and cooked on a low heat.The sailors invented the "paella marinera".It was the alternative form to the typical paella but with different ingredients like cuttlefish,squids,crayfish,lobsters,clams or mussels.
  • CUSTOMS:The paella was part of the customs of the Valencian region and was a symbol of the union of families,who gathered around the table to taste this tasty dish.At present time,they also make competitions of paellas in "Fallas".
  • MY FAMILY:I like paella.I usually eat paella when I am with my family in my village.My grandmother cooks it and I sometimes help her.I've never coocked paella,but I think that I could cook it.The best paella I have ever tried is my uncle's.   

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


   Fallas is a very traditional celebration that is celebrated in valencia.In Fallas the kids throw many firecrackers and there is a lot of party.The typical valencian falleros dress in elegant dresses and costumes.The "fallera mayor",that is,the most important on,estarts the Fallas in the Serrano towers.
   Fallas are three consecutive days of parties.The last day is the Crema,which is when all the sculpture are burned and Fallas are finished.

Imagen relacionada

  For me the most beautiful thing of Fallas is the decoration of all the streets and what i like less are the firecrackers that people throw right next to you.One of the things that i enjoy most are the parties that are assembled and i also love meeting with friends.

Imagen relacionada

-where are Fallas celebrated?
-what are the sculpture called?
-what is the last day's name?
-who initiates fallas?
-do you enjoy fallas?
-what do you like most about fallas?
-what do you hate about fallas?