Instagram is an application with ready more than 1,000,000 downloads.
This application is based on creating a profile and following your friends or famous people etc.
Just as you can follow people they can follow you too.
"Public or private profile? "
You can have a Public profile; with means that anyone can follow you or you poss.
Or your can have it private; in this case you decide who you won't to follow you and who you don't want to follow you.
In this application you can upload photos you can tog in your friends, etc.
Throught Instagram conversentions can also be established using the "Direct".
"What is direct?"
People can see what you are doing on the moment and can keep a talk.
You can take photos and it's something useful to improve conversetions.
With the new updates Instagram a lot has improved and thanks to that it has become even more popular.
This along with other improvements has made comunications much easier.
I also know applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat.
I use Instagram and he others applications every day.
•Comunications. •Personal.
•Application. •Profile.
•Public. •Internet.
•Photos. •Friends.
•Followers. •Popular/famous.
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